Our Team



Linda Harvey, former chair of Harvey Girls Inc. Board of Directors, is the proud mother of Maxine and Talia Harvey. Inspired by her daughters dream, she has pledged to sustain the mission of Harvey Girls. She has been an advocate for children and families her entire adult life. In her legal career, Attorney Harvey has represented many families in the Merrimack Valley. In 2017, she was named the Children’s Champion. In 2020, Linda received the Tribute to Women Award from the YWCA.

Linda has overseen the operations of Debbie’s Treasure Chest since its beginnings in her garage. She is delighted to accept this new role and looks forward to expanding our reach.

To reach Linda, please email her at linda@debbiestreasurechest.org



Tim Meyers retired in September of 2017 after 33 years of service, both in the Probation Department and the Department of Youth Services. He has been been working with Debbie’s Treasure Chest since October of 2017 as both our Director of Volunteer Services and Community Service Coordinator.

Tim heads the newly formed Altman Career Planning and Career Exploration Programs for high-risk youth. He also works with teens at risk to assist them in using community service as tool for successful employment. Tim also works with our corporate volunteers.

To reach Tim, please email him at tmeyersdtc@gmail.com

Senior Administrator

Lauren Carroll started at Debbie’s Treasure Chest as a volunteer and was soon recognized for her professional abilities to work well with clients and volunteers at the Treasure Chest. With a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Massachusetts majoring in business, and a work background in administration, Lauren brings both organizational and technical skills to our organization. To reach Lauren, please contact her at lcarrolldtc@gmail.com.